Adriaticon 2022 Video Library!

Access to Adriaticon Video Library

Access the Adriaticon Video Library!

Adriaticon 2022 has gathered more than 200 participants from all over the region. They have heard thought leaders from the field of HR, sales, marketing, service and technology. By accessing this video library you will be able to see all the lectures from this event.

Keynote: Transformations That Matter, Hrvoje Supić AVP Salesforce

Keynote: Sailing Through the Perfect (HR) Storm, Moira Homan, HR Director, Podravka

Transformation of a Global Player and the Role of Technology, Gregor Potočar, Chief Revenue Officer, Infobip, Filip Novak, Key Account Manage, Salesforce

The Story Behind Lidl’s Innovative Recruiting Platform – Orbit of Opportunity, Sara Habjan, Recruiting and Employee Branding Manager, Lidl Slovenia

And many more. Sign up to access the library!

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