Why successful companies choose CRM for their sales?

icon 24. ožujka 2022
icon 12:00

Staying ahead of the game in today’s rapidly changing business world is not easy. In order to accomplish the task, companies have to always keep up with what’s relevant and effective. Taking part in various conferences, webinars and meetups is among the best ways to learn the latest trends in desired areas, as well as share and discover new ideas.

Webinar „Why Successful Companies Choose CRM For Their Sales“, organized by Woom Marketing Arena, hosted a panel discussion, sponsored by Agilcon, the biggest regional Salesforce partner.

The panelists were: Vedrana Miholić, Sales Director of CROZ, Krešo Jurić, Director of Sales and Marketing, Setcor, Zvonimir Mavretić, Regional Head of Sales, Salesforce and Senad Kulenović, Managing Partner at Agilcon.

The panel discussion focused on the question of value that CRM brings to a sales organisation and the organisation as a whole. Also, the participants discussed how to go about the adoption of such a tool and how to prove its value to upper management and budget holders.

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a tool that sustains sales, marketing and customer service activities. Participants all agreed, that in essence, CRM is is a business strategy, supported by technology and run by employees to to improve business processes, results and overall customer satisfaction. In practice, however, a lot of people still think that CRM is just technology, designed to capture and interpret customer data, as well as automate various business processes and workflows.

Here are 5 key takeways from the webinar

1. CRM is a business strategy, run by technology, and must bring value

In today’s world where we have access to so much information it is impossible to track all of this data in one’s head, or a notebook. Unstructured, decentralized data is just that – data. What you really want is not data but rather knowledge and insight. For that you need a tool that will not only store data from various sources and be accessible to everyone, but also allow for analysis and extraction of insights, indicate trends and be a basis upon which companies make decisions and build their strategy. This is what a modern CRM tool offers and what brings value to the entire organisation.

2. CRM tools have to be intuitive to use and provide flexibility for the long run

One of the biggest reasons why CRM projects fail is because, once implemented, the tool is not used. Very often, the reason for this is the resistance within the sales organisation who see the tool as being just another administrative tool that does not give value or that is difficult to use. That is why modern CRM tools, such as Salesforce, focus a lot on the user interface, usability and accessibility of the tool. Also, Salesforce has best practices from some of the most successful sales organisations built into the tool.


3. The value of the CRM tool lies in how it is used

The value of the CRM is the content. And quality content is provided on one hand by the users and contributors such as sales and marketing and on the other through various integrations with other systems which elevate CRM to another level. For example, integration with ERP will give you great insight into the value and cost of your sales and marketing activities, the ability to predict revenue more accurately and better utilize your human and other resources. A great integration partner is very important to help the client get most out of the technology that is being implemented.


4. Choosing the right CRM tool is crucial

There are many CRM solutions and many options for a company to manage their sales and marketing operations. When choosing a tool, one should look for a solution that is built on best practices and industry knowledge, that is flexible in a way that a company can adopt to itself fast and simple, that will stand the test of time and grow and adapt as the market is changing. All of this, and more is already built into Salesforce and that is why most successful companies in the world choose Salesforce, regardless of their size.

5. Best value is extracted if sales, marketing, and customer service are connected

Modern CRM tools today are so much more than a record keeping tool for contacts and communication. Salesforce has its customer 360 platform where you can aggregate information from various sources and by different departments and have them all in one, central customer record so that you can get a complete overview of your customer relationship.


It is a well-known fact by now that an enduring, deep-rooted client-company connection is one of the keys to long-term profitability and general success of the organisation. CRM is a tool that can help you achieve such a connection.

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